Pain Management & Neuromusculoskelatal Re-education Program


The UEI Pain Management and Neuromusculoskelatal Re-education Program, under the direction of Dr. Scott Fried, is based on 20 years of experience in treating patients with disorders such as::

  • chronic nerve pain and reflex sympathetic dystrophy
  • repetitive strain injury and carpal tunnel
  • cervical disc disease or brachial plexus nerve injury
  • low back pain and fibromyalgia

In fact we have achieved a 50% success rate in avoiding surgical intervention for many orthopedic and nerve injury problems, with a high rate of success in returning patients to life and work activities. This program incorporates a combination of pain management and neuromusculoskelatal relaxation training and progressive muscle relaxation techniques which allow patients to gain voluntary control over their pain, dysfunction and disability.

The technique produces actual physiologic changes:

  • decreases muscle spasm
  • lessens or eliminates nerve pain
  • increases blood flow to the extremities and nerves themselves
  • decreases inflammation and enhances immune system function
  • lowers blood pressure and decreases vascular spasm

The Program


The program consists of face-to-face formal group instruction with Dr. Fried teaching the patient the technique of pain management and neuromusculoskelatal relaxation training.. It is a formal education, rehabilitation and life modification program coupled with techniques to relax the muscles and mind to decrease pain and spasm, no different than physical and occupational therapy but with the advantage that it can be self applied any time it is needed and the relief is reproducible at will on a regular basis. After completing the initial session the patient will then undergo eight to 12 follow-up sessions. These are intentionally done with other individuals present, teaching patients that these techniques can be utilized by anyone, anywhere and in any situation.



  • improved function and lessened pain
  • lessened need for medication and formal in-house therapy
  • lessened propensity toward recurrent injury
  • a healthier attitude toward work and personal life with less lost time from work.
  • decreased probability of surgery or repeat surgeries with improved responses and recovery time if surgery is needed.
  • improved ability to return to work activity, attempt modified work or pursue vocational rehabilitation and career alternatives.